Hannah and Daniel

Hannah and Daniel: Faith that Unleashes God’s Wonders

In those moments of desperation, anxiety and hope, the touching stories of Hannah and Daniel remind us of God’s wonderful and amazing power. Hannah’s heartfelt prayers for a child and Daniel’s unwavering faith in a foreign land is a testament which directly points to the fact that God listens and acts in miraculous ways. Their journeys as you already know are not just tales from the Bible; they are powerful examples of how intentional work of faith can lead to divine intervention. So join us as we explore how these two remarkable figures experienced God’s wonders and what their stories mean for us today.

Who Is Hannah in the Bible

Hannah stands in history as the champion and hope of all women who have never known the joy of motherhood. Before her was Sarah, and after her was Elizabeth. One factor was common to all of these women. They had beautiful, understanding, and caring husbands. Their husbands understood that God was the maker and giver of children. Hence, they were prepared to await the times appointed by God. However, the case was slightly but strongly different in Hannah’s. On one side was a loving husband, and on the other was a taunting and troublesome housemate. Peninnah was her name. She was always pinching, provoking, and. reminding Hannah of her barrenness. Hannah would not sleep, eat, or rest. She wept all day.

Her God Was Touched and Moved

This was her condition as she listlessly accompanied her husband Elkanah, Peninna, and her children to worship and sacrifice to the Lord at Shiloh. But unknown to them, she had decided on what to do and how to solve her woman problem. She will seek a personal audience with the great I AM; she will go into his presence.

 Now in Shiloh, she ate, drank, and finally dressed up. She began tracing the steps to her destiny.  She knew very well that her destiny was in the hands of God, and from these hands only she would take it.

Her demeanor spoke contentment and confidence. The Bible tells us: Hannah stood up! Going into the temple, she by-passed Eli the priest, who was sitting on a chair by the doorpost. She went in rather nearer into the presence of God: before the Ark of the Covenant. Before him, she was not ashamed to kneel and shed tears of pain.

Her soul was bitter, and none could feel the pulsation of her agony but God. Then she lifted her hands to the sanctuary and prayed:

O Lord Almighty, if you will look upon your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give me a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will be used on his head (1Sam 1: 11)

Hannah’s prayer represents the deep and burning prayer of all the barren women – The yearning for a child.

The drama was not done yet, she was carried away in the presence of God. The audience she was getting was such that no man had ever giving to her. It was too much. Yes. In the presence of God, there is liberty, and she was not going to let anything distract her. She was being watched by another eye, the human eye. Again, as in many places, divinity and humanity see and judge things differently. Eli, the priest, thought she was drunk because her lips were moving, but nothing was hard on her prayers. This time, the chief priest confronted her, and she replied with these words:

Not so, my Lord. I am a deeply troubled woman. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. Do not take your servant for a wicked woman. I have been praying here out of any great anguish and grief (1 Sam. 1:15).

You may call this a bible story, but believe it, and you are in the grace line of blessings. She came into His presence and lifted her hands to his holy place. Time began counting, and months began running for her on the nick of time. God changed her sorrows into dancing. She gave birth to a son. Her joy and testimony are summed up in this song:

There is none holy as the Lord. There is none beside Him, neither is there any Rock like our God, there is none holy as the Lord. (1 Sam.2:2).

She called his name Samuel, meaning “I asked the Lord for him”. She came, she lifted up her hands, and she was blessed. So ask, and you too will receive.


Father in heaven, I am consoled to know that tears move you. I thank you for the audience you give to all who are distressed and anguished. You are still the Holy one of Israel, the God who answers prayers. Hear the supplications of all who come to you with a heavy heart. Wipe away their tear, and replace their sorrows with songs of joy and thanksgiving.

Who Is Daniel in the Bible

Daniel, along with three other Jewish lads, came to Babylon as slaves. But time and events saw Daniel and Cyrus become administrators. Daniel, with his gift of wisdom, vision, and dream interpretation, was instrumental to the success of each administration he worked under.

Daniel was a subject of administration of scorn. Kings admired and praised uprightness and insight. Take a look at his records

Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrated before Daniel and paid him homage and ordered that an offering and incense be presented to him. (2:46-48)

Then, at Betshazzar’s command, Daniel was clothed in purple, a gold chain was placed around his neck, and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom (5:29)

Now, Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king (Darius) planned to set him over the whole Kingdom.

Indeed, while the king revered him, his co-administrators hated him and despised him. Moreover, let it be known that the balancing element in this double current of administration and hatred was seen in the fact that he has time to come into God’s presence, time to stand in his holy place, and time to lift up his hands in prayer.

Daniel’s life was eventful, but the one that punctuated it all was the night in the Lions’ then. The jealousy over Daniels grew to the point where the administrators and satraps joined forces in other to drag his name to the mud. But they were on able to do this. Echoing this, the Bible writes.

They could find no corruption in his because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally, these men said; we will never find basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to with the law of his God. (6:4-5)

Their desperation took them to a king whom they were able to convince to enact a law. No man was to pray to another god except the king for thirty days. To default this decree signed into law will qualify one for a ticket into the lions’ den.

God Showed Up

Courageously, Daniel went home to resume his contact with the “One who sits on the throne.” Notice how Daniel has made his home a place where God dwells. So he lifted his hands to heaven and his hands up in prayer. He was still in this position when his detractors reported him and even prevailed on the king to do something. Presumably, he was still down in prayers when he was arrested and thrown into the Lions’ den.

But the great and amazing thing that happened is that Daniel spent the night in the then. So, instead of devouring him, the lions gave him warmth and a kind reception and even befriended him. Their powerful jaws were short down from on high. No injury was seen on Daniel.

Do not grow weary of good deeds and prayer. Come into his presence, lift his hands to his secret place for with him is impossible, and no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Remember, the God of Daniel will send His angels to undo the traps set against you.


Father, you are the defender of all who put their trust in you and of all who choose to worship and praise you even when all the odds are against them. May all who look to you never be put to shame. May those who stand for them and with them be greater and stronger than those who plot their downfall or seek their life.


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