The birth of Moses is a powerful story and a testament to the fact that God works in amazing ways that sometimes we can not even see. The great man Born during a time of great danger for Hebrew babies, Moses’s arrival was nothing short of a miracle. His mother’s brave choices and God’s protection set the stage for a leader who would change history. This story reminds us that even in the toughest times, God has a plan and can bring hope. Join us as we explore the wonders surrounding the birth of Moses and how they reveal God’s incredible purpose.
The Protection of God in Time of Danger
The descendants of Jacob that went to live in Egypt numbered sixty-six persons in all. They came to settle in Egypt in search of greener pastures and at the behest of Joseph, who had suddenly become a “strong man” in Egypt. With time, the Israelites multiplied and became so numerous that they filled every nook and cranny of the land of Egypt.
This was because the Israelites were well received and given the rights and freedom, as would an Egyptian. But events changed, and the tide shifted with the emergence of a new Pharaoh who neither knew Joseph nor the fame he brought. Egypt as a nation. Of the descendants of Jacob, he said:
Look, the Israelites have become much too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, to fight against us and leave the country (Ex 1:9-10).
Thus was born the era of pain and misery, slavery, forced labor, and oppression. The Israelites were divested of all dignity and privileges and treated with ignominy. But then. The more they were treated harshly. They increased and spread. God was watching.
To this end. Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives. Puah and Shiphrah were to monitor properly any Hebrew woman who was being delivered of a baby. Should the baby turn out to be a girl, she must be allowed to live. But if a boy, he must be killed. This shows how wicked and desperate the Egyptians were to do away with the Israelites. Thank God, the midwives paid no heed to this insanity.
The Choice of a Brave Mother’s Choice

It was actually at this time that a Hebrew son was born to a man of the house of Levi. He was hidden away for three months. When it was no longer possible to hide him, the mother prepared a basket and put him on the bank of the Nile. God was watching.
The helpless basket began to drift away with its human cargo. Put on course by the divine navigator, it moved to where God had designed it to go. It rolled to that part of the Nile that was reserved for the royal house of Pharaoh. Eventually, the daughter of Pharaoh discovered the basket. She opened it and saw the beautiful baby. It was crying. She named him Moses –
Drawn from the waters. He was the arrow of God to shoot at Pharaoh at the appointed time. The groaning, the beatings, the degradation, and the weeping of the people of Israel never escaped the knowledge of God. God remembered his covenant and the oath he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To prove to us that in his presence, nothing goes unnoticed. He was careful in marshalling these points to Moses from the heart of the burning bush.
I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land, into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey…. (Ex 3:7-8).
Lessons from Moses’s Story

God is the silent listener of every conversation, the unseen guest at every meal, and the unseen seen actor in every human drama. Everything that happens in this universe is completely and entirely known to God. When you are in his presence. There is nothing that happens to you or takes place in your life that is not within the eternal plan of God. Of Course, it is for your good. We shall briefly take a look at the pictures of the affairs of some persons and nations before us.
From a distance. God is watching and taking note. Be calm, help is on the way. Be calm, though you are walking in the valley of darkness, amid the shadow of death or passing through fire. Be rest assured that God’s power saves, and His grace upon your life is always sufficient for you. His power to provide is infinite, and his steadfast love never ceases. They are new every day. Keep on moving. God is in control; God is watching. He is the regulator of time. He saves in time, and his timing is always accurate.
This God is great indeed. Not only did he see the misery, not only did he hear the crying; not only did he take notes/records of all the dark spots in their stay in Egypt, he equally did come down to lake action. This God is the God who saves. He saw, He heard, He came, and he conquered. Yes! He plagued Egypt. He killed all their first, both of man and beast alike.
He drowned Pharaoh, his cream of soldiers and chariots in the sea while leading his people across the sea on dry land.
Be hopeful. God is seeing the tears you shed, he is hearing your Groaning and moaning; he is taking note of your sorrows. One day, surely, he will come and rescue you! God carefully watched and supervised the triumphant movement of his people, the Israelites, from bondage into freedom, from across the Red Sea into the land of Canaan (Via the Desert) – land flowing with milk and honey. God is also watching and supervising your life. He will triumphantly settle you on your own Canaan/Portion of blessing.