Isaac and Joseph

Isaac and Joseph: God’s Wonders At Work

The stories of Isaac and Joseph in the bible are testaments that point directly to the fact that God can be so great and wonderful in our lives. Isaac’s near-sacrifice is a stunning reminder of faith and obedience, while Joseph’s time in Potiphar’s house highlights resilience and trust in God’s plan. Both men faced tough challenges, yet they remained faithful, and God turned their struggles into something amazing. Join us as we explore how the lives of Isaac and Joseph reveal the incredible ways God works in our world.

The divine command was issued: “Abraham, take your son. Your only son. Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.” God said this to test Abraham’s faith. To see whether his faith rested only on the favors he was to receive from God.

Test of Obedience and Faith

As much as this may seem easy on the surface, we must admit that this must have been the most difficult test ever. It is not like “Go and bath seven times -in the Jordan”. Isaac was long expected. He came as a miracle, the product of old age and the last drop of energy.

He was the door to the promised “off-spring” as many as the sand on the seashore. To lose him was to watch the whole edifice of Abraham’s life crumble to the ground. Despite this, Abraham prepared to embark on this journey of fate.

He had his eyes and mind fixed on God, who is the author and finisher of all his many blessings. For three days, they journeyed to the yet-to-be-known place of the Most High. From afal, Abraham saw the place of sacrifice. From on high, God was watching them

Abraham asked his servants to wait awhile for them at the foot of the mountain while he and Isaac would go over to worship and come back. He said this to satisfy the inquiring eyes of the servants, but in his heart, he knew the boy would never make it back. On Isaac, the wood of sacrifice was placed. His father, Abraham, carried the fire and the knife. Together, they moved on. Although Isaac was young, the survival instinct in him was mature.

God’s Miraculous Plan and Provision for Isaac

He paused and asked his father this prophetic question: “Father, the fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” His father Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering”.

Did Abraham say this out of deep conviction, or was it just a reply to an inquisitive question? Be it as it may, do not lose this fact. God, at this time, was listening. He, the silent listener to every conversation, was taking note of the drama staged in his divine arena. And without knowing it, Abraham has scripted God into this drama: God’s part, God’s role was to provide the lamb.

On reaching the place God had designated, Abraham raised an altar and laid the wood on it. From the way Abraham was going about this business, you will notice he was calm and conscious. His soul was involved. It was not haphazard. It was as if he knew every one of his movements and even his intention was being watched.

Having prepared and arranged the place of sacrifice, he tied Isaac, his only son, hands and feet, and placed him squarely on the altar. Was he the lamb? Slowly, Abraham drew out the knife of slaughter and calmly was bringing down the knife to slay Isaac before the angel of the Lord forbade him, saying

“Do not lay a hand on the boy. Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son” (Gen. 22:12).

But supposing God was not watching? No way. He who watches over Israel does not sleep or slumber. In his presence, nothing goes unnoticed. In Isaac’s stead, God, true to role, provided a ram for the sacrifice. Abraham called the mountain on which this drama was acted out “the Lord will provide. This is a testimonial to the truth that God does see, hear, and does act.

No doubt, obedience to the oracle of God could involve some high blood pressure, pain, heartache, and even headache. However, make no mistake about this: Nothing goes unnoticed in the sight of God. He is the absolute director of the drama of destiny, rather than resigning to fate. He watches from a distance so close, and his timing to deliver or protect is accurate.

Joseph was the most beloved child of his father. Jacob loved him that much because he was the son of his old age. To flaunt this love he had made for Joseph, a coat of many colors. This show of love and affection sparked off the spirit of jealousy in the hearts of the other sons of Jacob.

When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him (Gen. 37:4).

To add salt to the wound, Joseph was a dreamer, and with the narration of each of his dreams, they hated him all the more. On one occasion, he even dreamt of the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowing down to him. These luminaries or heavenly bodies represented his parents and brothers. Though his father chided him for this dream, he pondered the meaning in his heart.

To see whether it is your son’s rob! Some ferocious animal has devoured him. Joseph has surely been torn to pieces” (Gen. 37:31-33).

Joseph In The House Of Potiphar

But God was not deceived, for lie witnessed this drama of hatred. He made one decision, and that was to accompany Joseph to Egypt. Joseph was sold to Potiphar, one of the ranks and files of Pharaoh’s officials. Because the Lord was with him, Joseph found favour in the eyes of his master. Not only this, the Lord prospered him and gave him success in all his endeavors such that time saw him becoming “the caretaker” of his master’s estate.

Then came the pursuit of Potipher’s wife. She tried day in and day out to seduce Joseph to commit adultery with her. He out rightly refused this abomination, for he was a true worshipper of God. Then an opportunity came her way, one day when Joseph was alone in the house.

There was neither the master nor the servants around. She caught him by his clothes and pressed on him to sleep with her. He left his clothes with her and ran out of the house. Instead of being ashamed of herself, pride drove her to intrigues.

That Hebrew slave you brought us came to us to make sport of me. But as soon as I screamed for help he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house (Gen 39: 14.)

Alas, she received her husband and the household servants. Again, God was not deceived. He was watching from a distance. He took note of all these: Potipher’s wife’s daily temptation/seduction, Joseph’s godliness and righteousness, the false accusation, and the unjust imprisonment of a good and faithful servant.

Check this out: even in prison, God never left Joseph.

Time was moving, and the pendulum of events swung to the side of Joseph. Pharaoh had a somewhat antithetical dream: seven slim cows ate up seven fat cows. Again, seven thin heads of grain swallowed up seven healthy heads of grain. Pharaoh woke up troubled. Worse still, no one in the kingdom could interpret the meaning of this dream to him.

Then Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer remembered Joseph, for while in prison Joseph had interpreted his dream and that of the chief baker. His interviews were flawless. This was narrated to Pharoah, who gave orders for Joseph to be brought to him.

Lessons of Resilience and Integrity from Joseph

Pharaoh waited, and with him his wise men, magicians, and the kingdom of Egypt. They waited for this “slave” who, because of God’s favour, had the keys to unlock the mysteries enshrined in the dreams. Let them wait. Joseph bathed, shaved, and changed clothes.

At last, he appeared before Pharaoh. Without much ado, the king narrated to Joseph the dreams that had rubbished Egyptian magicians and had made nonsense of Egyptian black magic and mysticism. Thus, with the decorum of a demi-god, Joseph interpreted and gave flesh to the dreams: seven years of plenty and seven years of famine!

And straight away, he proffered a suggestion wise governor who will oversee the gathering and dispensing of the food in due seasons. Pharaoh breathed down. He was satisfied with the interpretation and suggestion Joseph gave. But then, where in Egypt will such a wise overseer be found? The Lord was with Joseph. So Pharaoh turned to him and said:

The Inspiration from Isaac and Joseph

Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders, only concerning the throne will be greater than you (Gen. 41:39-40)

Beautiful indeed, I hear you say. ‘The dream is fulfilled. The slave boy has become the second-in-command. The bachelor has become a husband and father. But that was not all; God has pushed Joseph into the Oval office” not just to honor him but also to provide ahead of time for his people.

Because of Joseph, his father Jacob, his wives, and his brothers and their families did not die of hunger. He caused Jacob and his entire family to relocate to Egypt. He stirred Pharaoh to give the best part of the land of Egypt -Goshen to the Israelites.

The life of Joseph points out the truth that the best part of life is always upfront. As you pass through the vicissitudes of this life, do not lose hope, and do not give up on your dreams. Remember, God is watching, and nothing before him goes unnoticed. Always sing and pray: He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it to the end.


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