Indeed, Life can be tough, and we all face challenges that sometimes feel overwhelming or even hopeless. But what if today is the day you rise above those struggles? In this blog post, we’ll explore the wonders of God and how He empowers us to overcome life’s challenges. We’ll look at the importance of seizing the moment with “This Is Your Day! Arise,” understand the limitations of time, and see how patience plays a crucial role in our journey. Join us as we discover how to navigate the marathon race of life and embrace the many faces of our experiences with faith and hope.
This is Your Day! Arise

Arise, and the glory of the Lord will shine on you. Arise and take your place in history. Arise for the glory of the Lord has risen on high for our generation. This is the era of double anointing. This is the era of plenty. This is the era of possibilities. Come on, clear a portion for yourself and stand squarely and solidly there. Stamp your feet on that portion.
Draw a line with your leg. This is the battle line. This is the victory line. Now kneel on this line and raise up your hands to his holy place, close your eyes, allow nothing to distract you. Why? Because this is your day! What you cannot give to yourself, God cannot give to you, that is, what you cannot pray for, what you cannot claim in faith, what you do not believe God for, Cannot come to you. What you cannot get from God, you cannot get elsewhere.
There is nothing outside God’s reach to give. There is nothing like the word impossibility in his vocabulary. Note this very well: God has no time for fairy tales or storytelling. Therefore, do not consider God’s eternal actions in time to be mere Bible embellishing stories. The Bible is the Testament of Possibilities. It captures Moments of hope. Faith, trust, and miracles. These Moments speak volumes: what God did yesterday, he could do again in our days! I believe because the Bible says- All things are possible with God.
The Limitation of Time

There is no denying the truth that man is subject to time, distance, and weather. Time moves, and man must move with it. Time sees man grow old and weak. Hence, man experiences fear when time seems to be marking him out or is no longer in his favor and despondency when nothing is happening in his life in terms of achievements and accomplishments.
But then, God is not subject to time and space. He is the Ancient of Days. He is the Everlasting Father. He does not mark time. The movements of time and seasons do not affect or hamper his eternal plans. According to the Apostle Peter: “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness” (2 Pet.3: 8-9). Believe this and you will believe that this is your day. Believe in the redeeming and sanctifying power of `now’. God’s promises find fulfillment neither in i yesterday nor in tomorrow but in today. Believe in God’s appointed time. Whenever God’s time matures, impossibility must give way! Whenever the perfect comes, the imperfect must vanish.
The Marathon Race Between Time and Patience

The race attracted great publicity. People were called upon to predict the outcome of the race. Some others even betted/staked money as to who would carry the day. Many people voted for Time while a minimal number voted in for Patience.
The call for on your marks rang out as the whistle blast went off. Time began well and was powering on and dominating the rounds. Patience, on the other hand, was trailing behind hut slow and steady. Those that staked their money on Patience looked like fools as Time went on receiving cheers from the spectators.
But wait. No one knew what happened that day and how events came to change. All they knew was that Patience was slow but steady as it made all the rounds. And shortly before the finishing line, Time slacked behind as Patience moved in to embrace the tape. To the surprise and disappointment of all present, Time was beaten hands down.
People these days are called upon to be patient and not look at the time. If you look on Time, that is, bet on Time, you are bound to have a heart attack. If you bet on Time, you will be forced to steal and cheat to meet up with Time. You will be forced to commit murder or even worship strange gods so as not to lose out; you may even use your body or betray a friend just to make sure you win.
In fact, you may seem to be winning or accomplishing thins but in the end, sorry to say it, you will be the loser.
Finding Strength in Every Challenge
To be patient is to wait on God, on providence. It may take years, but in the end, you will have a reason to be happy. To be patient is to know you have a date with God. With destiny. Be patient; with it, the tortoise was able to make it to the Ark. God will never disappoint you.
He will never fail you. Your day will surely come -This is your day. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Patience sees tomorrow in the eyes of today. Patience takes cognizance of the blessings and miracles yet to be received in the events and doings of today. Those who are patient live to see their day.
The life of Job pictures a man who has seen suffering. Known suffering and tasted suffering, such that he sees life as a miracle. And a meaningless venture. Job’s case is a pointer to the too many unrealized and broken dreams in the world today. As a little child, you may have fantasized and apportioned the best of the goodies of this life to yourself: cars, houses, etc.
Life is larger than dreams and wishes
But on arrowing up, you may have come to understand that life is larger than dreams and wishes. Indeed, if wishes were horses, no one would dare trek. You may have dreamt of making good money and marrying a beautiful woman. But behold, after many years, your store/business has not expanded. You are putting up with a friend in a one-room apartment. You have no money to eat and clothe yourself, not to talk of marrying a wife. Yet your age mates and those you started life with have all married.
This situation can make you stay awake Wile the whole world slumbers and you ask yourself why
You may have thought of making plenty of money and marrying a woman of your choice. True indeed, you made money and have married a beautiful woman. However, since after the grandest societal wedding in town, you have never known peace.
Life’s Many Faces
You have a house but not a home. You fight and quarrel virtually every night. As you move around, you notice your friends and observe how happy their marriages are. At night, you stay awake and ask yourself why. You may have dreamt of marrying and raising up beautiful children both in learning and character. Yes, you did. But after many years of marriage, you have no children, not even one.
And as you chance upon friends or visit people, you see your classmates and age mates with children of their own and you ask why? Or the only one you have is a deformed child. Or you have four, but none is worth a child. Your first daughter has graduated into a professional prostitute; the second got impregnated and eloped with the man. One of your sons was shot dead for armed robbery; the only one around beats you up every day. You are tired of life.
A Journey of Growth
You may have thought of begetting children and training them. You did. But sickness has not allowed you to reap and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Too bad, you are alive and active in the day while at night you fight and struggle with death. On the outside, your skin glistens, but on the inside, you are as good as dead. Again, you are surrounded by abundance, but you simply live on drugs and dietary laws.
You thought of going to school, graduating, and helping your family out. Yes, you graduated with honours, but then no job. You have roamed the streets of all the major cities. In Nigeria, without securing a job. You ask yourself even aloud why- and no one gives you an answer.
You thought of travelling abroad and hitting the jackpot. True enough, you got the passport and visa. You sold all you have worked for all your life- household properties, furniture, utensils, gadgets, goods and wares, and even borrowed. You did travel, but after two weeks, you were repatriated. You are black and blue. You do not know where to begin and how to begin.
For you, the worst is that it appears that God keeps mute. The list is endless. Listen to me; do not harm yourself. Do not kill yourself. Just believe with me that this is your day. The testament of possibilities declares that there is nothing impossible to God. Come into his presence and lift your hands to his holy place. There is no end to what God can do. There is no end to what God could accomplish or effect in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Job had his own sad experiences, but later he sang: I know my Redeemer lives.
Today, we looked into how we can always overcome life’s challenges with faith and determination. We start with the powerful message, “This Is Your Day! Arise!” encouraging you to take charge of today and rise above your struggles. We discuss the limitations of time and how it can sometimes feel like we’re racing against the clock. But patience is key in this marathon of life, reminding us that good things take time.
We also look at the many faces of life, showing how each experience shapes us and helps us grow. With God’s wonders guiding us, we can find strength and hope to face any challenge. Join us on this journey to discover how to embrace each moment and thrive, no matter what life throws your way.